Registered at Květná 41

Pod Beránkou 1
160 00 Praha 6 - Dejvice

tel.: +420 604 257 182
e-mail: info@simaas.cz

Our area of expertise:

- services in realities, especially administrative management and maintenance of real estate for small owners

- supporting administrative activities for business (secretarial services, interpreting and maintenance business partners) and business consultancy focused on the discovery and asset situation of the creditworthiness of legal and natural persons

- organisation of training courses, teaching english originaly trough regular language courses for the public, now just in the formo of individul classes for businesses and individuals

- analysis of investment opportunities in The Czech Republic - search of potential acquisition targets, tax and financial due dilligence, negotiations with the existing owner regarding selling price.
Risk analysis - identification of potential off Balance Sheet commitments and obligations, review of the business plans and actual financial data. Preparation of the acquisition agreements, completion of transaction in the legal bodies and Trade Register.

- analysis of design opportunities in energy sphere in Czech and Slovak Republics. Strong connections with the local design companies, assistance to the foreign companies to penetrate the local market, support in negotiations for delivery of equipment - valves, pumps, electrical engines. Cost analysis for the new builds (power plants, gas - fired plants, wind mills).

- review of the real estate market - search for the potential investment opportunities for lease and sub-lease, acquisition, preparation of cash-flow, NPV and IRR for selected projects. Support in negotiations with the local partners.

- consulting and informing about the legal environment - preparation of accounts, tax optimization, negotiations with the local tax and financial offices. Registration of new companies - both LLC and JSC, assistance during translation of necessary documents, which should be submitted in accordance with the Czech legislation.

(c) 2014 SIMA a.s.